Published Writing:
My MA thesis, Stallworthy of the Mounted: A Textual Analysis of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Arctic Presence, 1923-1935, can be found at the University of Calgary library vault for theses.
Traditionally Published Editing Projects:
Please note that not all of my editing projects are for traditional publication, as most are either self-published or are for private or internal use.
All In (Volume Two of The Book of West Marque) by Richard Parkinson
Beltrunner by Sean O’Brien
The Call (Volume One of The Book of West Marque) by Richard Parkinson
Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti
Cyan by Syd Logsdon
From Moon to Joshua by Matthew Moffitt
The Genius Asylum by Arlene F. Marks
Lethal Influence by Susan Bohnet and K L Webster
Poseidon & Cleito by Andrew J. Peters
Shadow Life by by Jason Mather
Sticks and Stones by Angèle Gougeon
Stranger King by Nadia Hutton
Wildcatter by Dave Duncan
Yesterday’s Savior by Keith Bliss
Select Self-Published Editing Projects:
Between Fire and Pines: The Code Book One by Kathleen Sawisky
The Skeletal Bird: The Code Book Two by Kathleen Sawisky